Upcoming events.

Neperan Park Earth Month Celebration
Join TEAC and Little Gardens of Tarrytown on Saturday 4/26 from 10am to 12:00pm when we celebrate Earth Month with a free spring seed planting event for kids along with complimentary pollinator friendly seeds to help you start your spring gardens. We also invite you to help us prepare our Neperan gardens for spring by removing invasives and preparing beds for new plantings. This is a great opportunity to learn about native plants and garden care. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring garden gloves and a long sleeved shirt.

Lyndhurst Landscaping Workshop
Join us on Sunday, April 27 from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm for a free spring event to learn about sustainable landscaping work being done in the historic landscape in your backyard.
Visit the Lyndhurst Rose Garden for an invasive vine removal demo and hands-on learning opportunity as part of the restoration work happening there. Followed by native seed potting on the Welcome Center patio (families welcome). Take home extra pollinator-friendly annual seeds and select native seeds to jump-start your spring garden!

Grow a garden that buzzes with life!
Join one or all three expert-led workshops on creating beautiful,
sustainable spaces to support pollinators, birds, and your
community. Registration limited to 25 attendees.

Grow a garden that buzzes with life!
Join one or all three expert-led workshops on creating beautiful,
sustainable spaces to support pollinators, birds, and your
community. Registration limited to 25 attendees.

Lyndhurst Landscaping Workshop
Vine Removal Demo & Winter Seeding
Where: Carriage House at Lyndhurst Mansion
*Limited Space

Grow a garden that buzzes with life!
Join one or all three expert-led workshops on creating beautiful,
sustainable spaces to support pollinators, birds, and your
community. Registration limited to 25 attendees.

Come and join the VineSquad to help keep our parks and green spaces free of invasive vines.

Landscaping with Native Plants and Shrubs: Easy AND Beautiful Combinations for Your Yard!
Get an update on Kathy Ever’s “rewilding” efforts and hear about great native plant/shrub combinations that work well in Westchester! Specific and useful advice for landscaping with natives will be provided. It doesn’t have to be complicated - everyone can do something to support pollinators and birds.

Beauty for the Bees - Easy Jump Start for a Pollinator Garden
Mai Mai Margules, lead at the Tarrytown Pollinator Pathway and designer of the public pollinator pathway gardens and containers in Tarrytown, will show you how easy it is to get started with a fool-proof pollinator garden. Tips and tricks, carefree and easy plants, how to source plants, and easy design tips will be offered.

Town of Mamaroneck Fall Tree Walk
Join Sheldrake’s Director of Education, Jocelyn Kleinman, to learn about the special qualities of trees in autumn as we explore the trails around the Larchmont Reservoir at Sheldrake Environmental Center. Trees protect against flooding and soil erosion; they excel at soaking up and storing excess greenhouse gases; and they remove air pollution and provide essential oxygen. On this fall walk, we will discover the many ways that trees prepare for winter and provide for animal life. This program is offered in partnership with the Town of Mamaroneck.

Native Seed Event
Seed Swap & Free Native Plant Seeds
Support Birds and Pollinators with Native Plants
Bedford Hills Community House
74 Main Street Bedford Hills

Native Plants & Pollinators Conference
Native Plant and Pollinator Conference
Information and Registration at s.uconn.edu/nppc2023info
Early Registration $65.00, by Thursday, October 6, 2023
$75.00, after October 6, 2023
Matriculated Students, $25.00 with valid school ID

TEAC'S Eco Fair
Please join us at the TEAC booth where we will be distributing native seedlings, free native plant seeds and lots of great info to help you get a head start on the fall planting season ahead! Lots of milkweed plants will be available along with other locally grown natives.

Ardsley Spring Gardening Festival
Presentations: Easy Jump Start Pollinator Garden Attracting Birds Common Invasive Plants How YOU can save the Monarch Butterfly in your yard
Free Seeds | Free Seedlings | Kids Activities| Native Plant Orders | Marbleizing Pots
Free Consultations | Houseplant Urgent Care | Garden Design Help

Easy Native Shrubs For Your Yard
We are thrilled to have nationally renowned landscape designer and native plant expert Carolyn Summers present easy native trees and shrubs for your yard. There is a native tree and shrub for every situation, height requirement, and use. Fall in love with our gorgeous native trees and shrubs and help pollinators, birds, and wildlife by including natives on your property. These webinars will not be recorded.

Easy Native Trees For Your Yard
We are thrilled to have nationally renowned landscape designer and native plant expert Carolyn Summers present easy native trees and shrubs for your yard. There is a native tree and shrub for every situation, height requirement, and use. Fall in love with our gorgeous native trees and shrubs and help pollinators, birds, and wildlife by including natives on your property. These webinars will not be recorded.

Zoom: Pollinate Now: Bioregional Strategy for Habitat Restoration in the Hudson River Estuary Watershed with Evan Abramson, Landscape Interactions
Let’s focus locally in this presentation highlighting how we can support at-risk bees, butterflies and moths in the Hudson River Estuary watershed, the largest pollinator corridor in the United States, spanning 51 Hudson Valley communities across four watersheds. Pollinate Now is a roadmap for biodiversity and ecological resilience in New York State built by community and based on science. Learn what you can do in your yards in this very informative webinar by the founder of the Pollinate Now initiative.

Zoom: Sustaining Wildlife in Fall and Winter Gardens
Master Gardener and native plant enthusiast Deb Ellis will share which flowers and shrubs are well-suited to sustain wildlife through fall and winter. She will also discuss modernizing fall cleanup, how “leaving the leaves” can nurture your garden, and how native plants can serve as a home and winter food source for pollinators and birds.
Garden Visit: Kathy Ever's Rewilded Yard
Join us for our first garden visit event. Kathy presented a two-part series last year on how she rewilded her yard in one year. See her webinars on the story and process. Now you can visit the gardens, meet the gardener, get inspired, ask questions, and seek advice.
Click here to register. Refreshments served and all ages invited.

Native Seed Event
Get some free seeds! Native plants are crucial for a healthy environment, and that includes our yards. The volunteers at this event will be happy to teach you how to include more native plants in your landscape. If you already have plenty of native plants; harvest some seeds and bring them with you. Free and welcome to all.

Wild Seed Collection Workshop
Join Lindsey Feinberg, our Native Plants Curator, in this hands-on workshop!
You will learn to sustainably collect seeds from native plants without harming wild populations. We will cover techniques researched by scientists and implemented by the Bureau of Land Management’s National Seed Strategy.

Native Seed Giveaway at TEAC’s Eco Fair
The Tarrytown Environmental Advisory Council (TEAC) is hosting its annual Eco Fair on October 14, 2023 at Patriots Park from 10am to 2pm in collaboration with Tarrytown Village and TASH. Please visit the TEAC table for free native plant seeds and seedlings. We’ll have lots of info to help you get a head start on your native garden with fall planting tips. Hundreds of free native seeds from our local pollinator gardens!

Pollinator Garden Tour, New Rochelle
Welcome to the Westchester Pollinator Garden Tour Series.
Visit eight local home gardens and a community garden during the New Rochelle Pollinator Garden Tour.

Bedford Audubon Butterfly Workshop
Enroll in our Butterfly Workshop with Naturalist Tait Johansson to learn all about butterflies!

Gardening for the Microcosmos: Insects in the Landscape
Join Mathew McDowell, Teatown Reservation's Wildflower Island Curator, for an in-depth walk and talk discussing the insect world. Pollination services, predators, prey: insects are the cornerstones of terrestrial ecosystems.

Firefly Festival
Join us for our annual Firefly Festival!
Trailside Nature Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Routes 35 and 121 South, Cross River 10518

Native Meadow Walks Grace Farms
Discover the restoration process and sustainable land care practices that have helped our meadows become a more bountiful habitat for native plants and animals. Includes a cup of cool, refreshing tea.
Rain or shine. Please wear footwear suitable for grassy or muddy terrain. Please note: All ticket sales are final.

Tarrytown Train Station Pollinator Garden
Our garden adds natural beauty with native plants that nurture and shelter threatened pollinators — bees, butterflies, beneficial insects and birds. You can do the same at home, no planting is too small to help. Any garden or planting that is pesticide free and provides food and shelter for wildlife will make a difference. If you don’t have garden space you can plant a planter or install a native shrub or tree!
Our Gardens
Thanks to the tremendous support of our community — aided by funding through Friends of Warner Library — TEAC volunteers and the Tarrytown Parks and DPW staff have created a variety of vital Pollinator Pathway gardens in the heart of the Village. These gardens provide much needed habitat and sustenance for pollinators and birds.